
Fun math learning stories: The secret of the shadow pyramid



Fun math learning stories: The secret of the shadow pyramid

Fun math learning stories: The math explorers stepped cautiously into the next chamber of the shadow pyramid. A vast gaping pit streched before them, too wide to jump across .The walls were lined with ancient cravings of numbers and symbols glowing faintly in the dim torchlight.Suspended above the pit was a mechanical bridge, folded tightly like an accordion refusing to extend.

Chapter 2: The pit of percentages

On a stone pedestal near the edge of the pit, a message was etched in golden letters :

“Only those who understand proportions shall cross .Solve the puzzle and claim your path.”

Under the incription, another set of words appeared :

A golden statue weighs 250 pounds .If 20% of its weight is gold, how much of it is pure gold?

The explorers gather around, whispering excitedly.

Percentages! “We only need to find 20% of 250,” Max replied, pulling out her notebook.

” That means multiplying by 20%=20/100=0.2 ,” added Joey. He quickly performed the calculation:

250×0.2 =50

“The statue contains 50 pounds of pure gold!” Joey exclaimed.

As soon as he spoke the answer aloud, the numbers on the pedestal glowed brighter, and with a deep mechanical groan, the bridge began to unfold slightly. However, it stopped midway, leaving a large gap still between them and the other side.

A second inscription appeared:

“A merchant has 500 coins .He spent 30% of them  on supplies and saved the rest .How many coins does he save ?”

Max quickly calculated :

500×0.3=150. So he spends 150 coins. That means he saves: 500-150=350 coins.”

The bridge extended a bit more, but a final challenge remained. The pedestal asked one final question:

” A magic potion requires 40% of a 120-ounce mixture to be enchanted liquid . How many ounces of the potion are enchanted ?”

Ross did the math:

120×0.4 =48

“48 ounces!” he declared . With aloud clang , the bridge fully extended, allowing the team to cross safely. As they reached the next chamber, they heard a whispering voice echoing through the walls:

“Well done, explorers .But the path ahead will not be so simple.”

They exchanged nervous glances. The adventure was far from over!

To be continued…

Stay tuned for Chapter 3: The Shifting Sands of Measurement



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